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Frequently Asked Questions

Browse below to find answers to our most common questions about Kyudo and us.

For any other queries not addressed below, feel free to get in touch with us!

What can I expect from Kyudo?

Kyudo is a martial art that focuses on personal development and is dependent on your individual growth. The foundation in technique is important and is a path that is generally taken slow, with many finding the process long before they find themselves comfortable. If you enjoy a quiet martial art that allows you to focus on improving yourself, Kyudo might be for you.

Outside of Japan, Kyudo has a small community internationally. Throughout your journey, there will be opportunities for you to meet like-minded people around Australia and the world and make life-long friendships. If you are so inclined, you will also be able to participate in international Kyudo events such as seminars and shinsa (ie. Dan gradings), though they are not compulsory. To read more about these sorts of events, check out some posts from the Victorian Kyudo Assocation (VKA) or the International Kyudo Federation (IKYF).


Whilst some practitioners enjoy exploring a spiritual aspect to the martial art, it is not a requirement nor is it expected of you. However, Kyudo is more than just shooting with a bow and arrow, and does come with actions that are more ceremonial in nature and a certain level of etiquette. The following video by Japan Video Topics is a great summary:

When and where do we train?

We train at two locations:

Every Sunday at North Melbourne Recreation Centre in the Stadium from 9am to 1pm; and

Every Wednesday at Ambrose Archery from 7pm until closing time at 9pm; and

Fortnightly Friday at North Melbourne Community Centre in the Community Hall from 7pm to 9pm


Wednesday sessions are casual training and dependent on Ambrose Archery's opening hours, and times may vary dependent on members' schedules. So if you would like to pop by for a visit, we recommend sending us a message via email or our social media to confirm.

Can we be reached by public transport?

Yes, it is accessible by train or bus with plenty of parking for cars on site.

For a handy summary of all the available transport options nearby us, head on over to:

How much is it all?

For regular membership and training fees, refer to our Experienced page.




For beginner introductory course, refer to our Beginner page.



Will I be able to shoot unsupervised straight away?

No. Kyudo is a martial art that requires patience and dedication to the basics first to ensure that you may be able to shoot safely and to prevent bad habits from forming. Whilst you may experience shooting at the introductory course so that you may be able to decide whether Kyudo is right for you, from this we will assess your Kyudo progress to meet certain goals before you may shoot unsupervised.

Do I need equipment to start?

No - we have club bows, arrows and gloves available to get you started - just wear comfortable and loose clothing that does not restrict your movement. Kyudo gear can be expensive as they are only available in Japan, and at times confusing with multiple brands, different draw weights and measurements. To save yourself some potential heartache, please do not buy any equipment until you have talked to us.

Can I just come and watch a session?

Yes, absolutely! Please contact us prior for an appointment. Note that no photos or videos may be taken or posted in public (online or otherwise) to respect the privacy of our members.

I used to practise Kyudo - do I need to go through the introductory process?

To operate in a safe environment with live arrows, please drop us a line for a discussion about your experience. If sufficient, you can join straight in our regular training sessions.

Is OKM part of Ambrose Archery?

No. Ambrose Archery is a private western archery range. They are kind enough to accommodate us by setting up a barrier for our own area during our training as Kyudo timing is much slower than regular western archery. If you are also interested in western archery, we highly recommend visiting Ambrose Archery for a session! Visit their website and facebook for more details.

Do we have other language speakers?

Yes. While the club will mainly communicate with its members using English, we do have members that are fluent in Japanese, Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese too. Just let us know of your language preference during the training session with us and we will do our best to accommodate.

Are there any gender and age restrictions?

There are no specific age and gender restrictions in modern Kyudo. However, due to limitations of our equipment, we may not necessarily have the right gear available to cater to young children (dependent on their height/draw length). We currently accept applicants age 18 and above. We recommend to enquire with our sister clubs in Melbourne, the Melbourne Kyudo Kai and United UNI Kyudo Club, for their policies.

Are we open to demonstrations at events?

Depends. As OKM is run entirely voluntary by its members and we are a newly established club, and only a minimal number of our members are qualified under VKA's state rules to perform demonstrations, it would be highly dependent on the availability of those members.

Please contact us for further enquiries.

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